Page 14 - Discover Summer 2022
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      to lay thousands upon thousands of eggs                about 80 to 100 thousand bees in order for
      throughout her lifetime, without ever mating           there to be a surplus of honey, which may
      again. This new queen normally returns to the          then be harvested. This can take from 2 to 3
      hive, but in this case, it is captured and kept        years. Another requirement for a surplus is an
      in a “queen cage”, which protects her from the         adequate source of nectar, or a “honey flow”.
      remaining 3 pounds of bees (a few thousand             We often assume that bees will get most of
      or so), who have been harvested from another           their nectar from flower gardens; in truth, it
      large hive. Ordinarily, these bees would               takes hundreds of acres of flowers to provide a

      quickly dispatch this strange queen, who has           sufficient flow for a surplus.
      a foreign scent.
                                                                In our area, there is a major honey flow
         Over the course of a few days, the queen            that occurs in the spring, from the tulip
      secretes pheromones that permeate the larger           poplar tree, and black locust trees, enough to
      cage, and soon the other bees adapt to it, and         produce a surplus. Each flower’s honey tastes
      adopt it as their own “hive scent”. At this            different, and there are also shade variations.
      point, she can be released into the colony. This       Our local tulip tree honey is very dark in

      is normally accomplished by removing a cork            color, while linden tree honey is extremely
      plug at one end of the queen cage, leaving a           light. Connoisseurs like to sample different
      ‘sugar cube’ barrier between the queen and             types, as would a wine expert enjoy sampling
      freedom. The workers then gradually eat the            different varieties of wines.
      sugar away, until a hole is created that will
                                                                Some commercial beekeepers will load
      permit her escape.
                                                             their hives onto flatbed trucks, and travel
         Honey, I’m home…                                    from one orchard to another in order to keep

                                                             their bees supplied with a fresh honey flow.
         Now it is time to introduce this fledgling
                                                             This also affords them some control over the
      colony into its new home, typically a plastic
                                                             type of honey that the bees will yield, as they
      or wooden box containing several honeycomb
                                                             can choose, for example, only peach or apple
      frames. Each frame has a honeycomb pattern
                                                             orchards. This also provides the orchard with
      base on each side, made of beeswax. The
                                                             an effective means of pollinating the trees,
      workers begin building these out. As they
                                                             thereby ensuring a good crop of fruit. It’s a win
      “grow”, they are used for honey storage, and
                                                             for everyone.
      also as repositories for the eggs that the queen
      lays. A special “queen excluder” screen is place          Show me the honey…
      on top of the box. It is designed to permit
                                                                After estimated costs of about $500, Bill says
      worker bees to pass through it, but not the
      queen. Thus, as succeeding “stories” are added         that he harvested a surplus of about 30 pounds
      to the hive, the queen is not able to access           of honey one year from his hive… most of which
      their respective honeycombs, which keeps               he has given away to friends and relatives. He did

      them free of eggs and larvae. In these frames,         keep one jar for his own use. For Bill Pecoraro,
      there will only be honey.                              it’s about the honey, not the money.

         The colony must grow to a population of

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