Discover_Winter_2014_ebook - page 24

The stripers follow. Fishing for them in the early morning ends at daylight.
Now to fish them in the coves or main channel in daylight hours, you will need
to fish
according to the moon phase. Since the baitfish and the stipers are in deeper
water, you will have to contend will the structure. Fishing structure can be most
difficult, but it’s also the most productive. If you are trolling, most of the fish
will be in the tree-tops, where trolling a lead line or deep plug is the way to go.
Your lure should be just over the fish (over the trees).
Trolling requires close attention to the depth-finder..... If you are trolling lures
at 35 feet and trees appear on the screen above that (taller trees) you must raise
your lines so as not to snag your lure on a tree. If you do and it does not release,
stop the boat and bring in all other lines to avoid losing the lure. This is where
a “plug-knocker” comes in handy. To release your lure, clip it over your line,
and let it slide down to the plug. Then bounce your rod tip up and down, with
as much force as is necessary, to “knock” the plug free. Reel in your line, and
remove the plug knocker for future use.
When jigging or bait fishing in the trees, you must find a point in the channel
or deep cove. When fishing a point, remember that even only one fish on your
depth finder can often indicate a good spot. Many times I have found a point
with one fish on the screen, where I have caught many fish “one at a time”,
so don’t let that fool you. I usually don’t bait fish here; I like to jig a buck-tail,
spoon, or Hopkins jig in those spots.
Jigging in the trees is about the same but can be more productive. The problem
here is the fish like running for the trees and can hang you. If this happens,
keep pressure on the line and re-position the boat until the fish comes out. This
doesn’t always work, but it beats breaking the line trying to pull the fish loose.
Discover Smith Mountain Lake
Winter 2015
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