Page 20 - Discover Spring 2023
P. 20


        Edited by Gerald Muus

      Here is last issue’s brain puzzle:
                                                                      Our winning entry came from
      Last issue’s brain teaser was designed to stimulate             Skip & Vickie Larrington:
      the connections or associations between words in
      your temporal lobe. You will see pairs of words, and            Here is our answer to your Winter Brain
      your goal is to find a third word that is connected or          Puzzle. Some were definitely easier than
      associated with both of these two words.                        others. The only one we struggled with was

      For example, the first pair is PIANO and LOCK. The              number 8 – Army and Water. We came up
      answer is KEY. The word key is connected with both              with a few answers for that one, but we think
      the word piano and the word lock: there are KEYS on             Tank is the best.
      a piano and you use a KEY to lock doors. Key is what
      is called a homograph: a word that has more than one            1. Key (you explained that one)
      meaning but is always spelled the same.                         2. Deck (a ship has a deck and cards come in
                                                                      decks of 52, or 54 including the Jokers)
      1. LOCK — PIANO                                                 3. Trunk (Trees have a trunk as do cars – at
                                                                      least in this country)
      2. SHIP — CARD                                                  4. Pupil (Students in school are called pupils,

                                                                      and part of an eye is a pupil)
      3. TREE — CAR                                                   5. Case (Pillows are covered by a pillowcase
      4. SCHOOL — EYE                                                 and there are cases are adjudicated in court)
                                                                      6. Bank (Rivers have banks and money is kept
      5. PILLOW — COURT                                               in banks)
                                                                      7. Sheet (Beds are covered with sheets and a
      6. RIVER — MONEY                                                piece of paper is called a sheet of paper)
                                                                      8. Tank (Tanks are used in the Army and
      7. BED — PAPER
                                                                      Water Tanks are used to hold water for
      8. ARMY — WATER                                                 communities)
                                                                      9. Racket (One uses a racket to play tennis,
      9. TENNIS — NOISE                                               and also racket is a loud, annoying noise)
                                                                      10. Mummy (Egyptian kings were preserved
      10. EGYPTIAN — MOTHER                                           as mummies and mothers are sometimes

      11. SMOKER — PLUMBER                                            called mummy)
                                                                      11. Pipe (Plumbers fix the pipes in a house
                                                                      and some smokers smoke a pipe)

      18     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2023
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