Page 17 - Discover Spring 2023
P. 17

or other forage will be where the                cove where the fish will spawn. This
               water is warmest, and so we’ll look              will be a bank that has the warmest

               for coves that will have the warmest             water near a spawning area. This
               water in the spring. Consider this:              may sound confusing, but take a

               You have 2 pans of water on the                  map of the lake you want to fish, and
               stove, both with the same heat, but              pick out the north banks as I have

               one pan has much less water. The                 described. Drawing it out on a map
               pan with the lesser amount of water              makes it very easy and simple.

               will heat up first; therefore, the                    I had someone call me about
               shallow areas on the waters edge on              fishing a lake in the spring. He had

               a lake will heat faster. In our area, the  to fish a tournament there, and had
               sun is in the southern hemisphere                never been to that particular lake.

               and this means that the sun will be              I told him exactly the same things
               on the "northern" bank longer; thus,             that I have just described. I also told

               the northern,                                                      him about fishing
               shallower                                                          with respect to the

               banks will be                                                      moon phases. For
               warmer, and                                                        example, where there

               this is where                                                      was a "lighted" night
               the bait                                                           before the day he

               will be. The                                                       was fishing, the first
               hungry bass                                                        3 hours of the day

               will follow.                                                       would be a bad time
                   This lake                                                      to fish. To be clear, a

               runs west to                                                       "lighted" night would
               east; thus,                                                        be a night about 7

               the whole northern bank will be                  days before to 7 days after a full
               very long. So how do we find the                 moon.

               concentrations of fish?  The arteries,               If the night before was a "dark"
               arms, or coves that run off the main             night, then you should change up:

               lake are where we need to go. In                 fish the first 3 hours, skip the next
               the arms of the lake will be smaller             3 hours, and then fish the following

               coves, and this is where we will find            3 hours again. To be clear, a "dark"
               a short north bank with a point in a             night is about 7 days before to 7 days

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